
Rising Grades 7 to 9

Step into the exciting world of 3D animation with Blender!

In this introductory course, students will learn the foundational skills to create their own animated worlds and bring their ideas to life. From building simple 3D models to designing full scenes with lighting, textures, and animation, students will explore the core tools and techniques of Blender, a powerful and professional-grade animation software.

Throughout the course, students will tackle a series of creative projects, each one building on their skills and sparking their imagination. They'll design characters, animate objects, and compose unique 3D environments, learning how to make objects move, set up realistic lighting, and create special effects like rain or glowing magic portals. By the end of the course, students will complete a final project that showcases their skills—a short animation that blends everything they've learned, from scene composition to character movement.