High School Level Courses

This summer, get a head start on achieving your academic goals.

Our courses prepare high school students to ace the SAT, crush advanced math and science courses, write like a Nobel laureate, and program computers better than Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds.

The instructors are just like you, only a few years older: they grew up in Northern Virginia, excelled in school, attend or graduated from top colleges, and have a passion for helping others achieve the same.

We are a summer enrichment program, not a school, and our learning environment is relaxed and engaging. We’re here to be of service to you.

Two-week sessions start June 16. (We also have a one-week session starting August 11.) Classes meet in the morning or afternoon for three-and-a-half hours.

Our two-week courses cost $550, and there are discounts for siblings and multiple courses. Courses are offered at our Tysons location (8000 Jones Branch Drive).