Conversation Club

Rising Grades 3 to 4

Speak with confidence, listen actively, and create stronger connections.

In this communication skills course, students explore a variety of techniques to express themselves clearly, listen attentively, and build confidence in group interactions. Through engaging activities and guided practice, they learn essential skills like active listening, non-verbal communication, speaking confidently, and giving and receiving feedback. Each lesson focuses on real-world applications, showing students how to improve their interactions at school, at home, and with friends.

Students will work on projects designed to deepen their understanding of effective communication in different contexts. Projects might include interviewing a classmate, creating a “How-To” presentation, or preparing a persuasive argument for a fun class debate. They’ll also have the chance to create skits that demonstrate conflict resolution or design posters to illustrate key communication strategies they’ve learned. These hands-on projects encourage collaboration and help students apply new skills in creative and meaningful ways.

By the end of the course, students will leave with increased confidence in their ability to communicate and connect with others. They’ll have built skills in expressing ideas, listening respectfully, and working well in groups, as well as completed several projects they can be proud of. Above all, they’ll feel prepared to use their voice and communication skills in positive ways, both in and outside the classroom.